Just wrapped up 9 performances of Sippin', 4 Women of Color sippin' something special. So grateful to have had this work included and acted and directed by amazing women!
Unmasking Hercules Workshop Production
Each of us is made of a web of relationships. Come ‘Out’ to experience a story about strength, about vulnerability, about hiding darkness and revealing light. Experience students sit for the first time in a Community Building Circle with their teacher and see the impacts and effects of ‘mask-culinity’ at a fictional High School with an amazing cast and an amazing Director, presenting stories that I received of the boys and men I have known in my years as an Educator and the masks I and they wore, at the theater that nurtures future storytellers, Casa 0101. 6 shows only starting Nov. 11!
First Theater of the Oppressed Workshop by Gilbert Salazar!
Happy to announce a Theater of the Oppressed Workshop on Oct 22!
Workshopping Consent Workshop at CSULA
Great Workshop, I was able to test and try on a new activity! So grateful to CSULA community the folks at Cross Cultural Centers!
Unmasking Hercules reading this week!
Unmasking Hercules Reading
Happy to announce a reading of my play, "Unmasking Hercules!"
Working full time with California Conference of Equality and Justice
I'm excited to be working full time with California Conference of Equality and Justice, in my role of Restorative Justice Coach and Strategist providing consulting and training services to South LA schools. I will have a limited capacity for outside contract work but hope to serve when I can.
Consent Workshop with California State Unversity, Los Angeles
I'm excited to be providing an embodied workshop on issues of consent to the CSULA community in April, ahead of Take Back the Night!
Theater of the Oppressed Workshops in Boulder Colorado
Naropa University and Theater of the Oppressed Workshops
I"m so pleased and excited to say that I've landed in Boulder with my good friend and colleague, Sarah Kay Peters to begin a week long visit at Naropa University to do some Theater of the Oppressed workshop and work with the Naropa university to create a Forum Theater piece!